Poll: Russians think Moscow did the right thing in recognizing South Ossetia's independence in 2008
Photo: August 2008. Russian soldiers in the village of Ergneti. REUTERS/Irakli Gedenidze
According to a survey conducted by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center, 81 per cent of the respondents supported the Russian government’s 2008 decision to recognize South Ossetia as an independent country.
The online media outlet Kommersantreportedthat around 9 per cent did not approve of it. More than a third of the respondents (36 per cent) said that ten years on, after the 2008 August war, they still kept an eye on the republic.
Around 31 per cent think that the relationship between Russia and Georgia has now gotten back to normal, while 29 per cent characterized the relationship as ‘sour’ and 7 per cent found it to be in a ‘tense’ state. Another 7 per cent described the relationship as ‘friendly’, while another 7 per cent as ‘good-neighbourly’.
• The survey, conducted by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center on 6 August 2018, involved 1 600 respondents older than 18 who were interviewed by phone. The error margin is said not to exceed 2.5%.
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