A skatepark opened in Rustavi a few months ago. Since then, extreme cycling lovers have been flocking here everyday. Fans of BMX, one of the most popular events of extreme cycling, say they have been tirelessly demanding municipal authorities to set up a skate park there for many years, and they have finally achieved this.
BMX is one of the most popular events in extreme cycling, in which the goal is perform a number of complex stunts and/or jump over barriers while cycling.
Guga Peranidze, 17, says he first met extreme cyclists in the street a few years ago and he has been training since that day.
‘It is hardcore and it is interesting, since you are always learning some new stunts. Once you’ve learned a new trick, you need to continue learning and practice more, says Guga.
Tornike Khumarashvili, 18, also first became interested in BMX two years ago.
‘I saw children who were engaged in extreme cycling in the street and I became interested in it. I started cycling and gradually began to develop my skills. In summer, I come here every day and when school is in session, on the weekends.’
Extreme cycling fans say BMX is not that popular in Georgia yet. Therefore, it is hard to get spare parts for special bicycles, competitions are rarely held and the safety measures in the park are not properly in place.