12 bicyclists from three Armenian districts – Lori, Shirak and Tavush – made the three days trip in Georgia, from Vanadzor to Borjomi. The most important observation was the total lack of conditions for the bicyclists in Armenia, Georgia distinguishing radically.
“The only road in Georgia in poor shape was near Ninotsminda. Near Borjomi and neighboring villages the roads are good, easy fo cycling. No comparison with Armenia, where there are no conditions for cycling, including bicycle tracks”, Suren Arutyunyan says, one of the trip participants.
“The roads in Armenia are good for extreme cycling only, especially outside big cities. Georgia provides all the necessary conditions., David Voskanyan, 36, another participant agrees.
Suren Arutyunyan, the head of Dzoragyukh village in the Lori district, noted the tideness of the neighboring country: “One would find garbage cans on the bicycle tracks even in the woods. Wish it was the same in Armenia.
The trip was organized by the Civil Resource Center in Vanadzor to promote cycling and cross-border tourism. After the month long training sessions the best out of 350 were chosen for the trip from Vanadzor to Borjomi.
Despite bad weather conditions – strong wind and icing – the organizers believe the experience was useful for many.
“The villagers, having seen us on the bicycles, approached us and said, they would gladly join the event. Now we are looking for the possibilities to attract more people”. David says.
Suren, the village head, believes in promoting cycling tours as the way to develop the border settlements.
The Civil Resource Center plans to resume training sessions in spring and to attract more young people to them.