Five tips for those, willing to study abroad

1. Try the exchange program
In order to become a university student abroad, the easiest way is to take advantage of the exchange program. There are plenty of such exchange programs; most of them are designed for undergraduate or graduate students, but there are also programs for school students and PhD degree seekers. Studying on exchange basis is easier for those, who are not well-aware, which university to choose – the program will make this choice for you. Sometimes it even organizes all concurrent test (international exams, such as: TOEFL, GRE, SAT and alike) and interviews, that may also be convenient. But the main advantage of the exchange program is that it covers your training costs. Unlike other options, when you need to seek funding yourself (i.e. a scholarship, tuition fee).
2. Choose – Europe or USA?
Erasmus+ is one of such programs. The budget of this European program exceeds EUR18 billion. Hundreds of thousands of foreign students, willing to study in European universities, enroll in the program annually. Erasmus + is expected to allocate educational grants to 2 million students until 2020. Follow this link to view the Erasmus + program offers.
However, there are broader academic exchange opportunities in the USA rather than in Europe. There are a number of state-run programs in the USA, that aim to select the best students from all over the world and help them get education in American universiete. Information about these programs is often accumulated on the web-sites of the U.S. embassies in various countries. For example, to view the list of programs on the web-site of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia, follow this link.

3. Don’t forget about Asia
South Korea universities may be the best choice for students, studying trade relations or technologies. Every year, the South Korean government provides grants for foreigners; and, as a rule, these grants cover all costs of studying in one of 66 universities. A corresponding program (it is referred to as KOREAN – Government Scholarship Programe (KGSP) sets quotas for each country, for example, Georgia’s quota makes 3 students annually. Application forms, in which the applicants indicate desirable universities, are submitted to the Embassy of South Korea; the Embassy personnel conduct initial selection and interviews. The finalists’ documents are sent to Seoul, where they are considered by the organization in charge of distribution of the academic grants; it is called NIIED – NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION. The final stage is selection at the universities. In the event the successful applicants don’t know the Korean language, they start the educational process with the Korean language 1-year study program.
4. Take a chance directly
Participation in the exchange program is not a mandatory condition for those, willing to study abroad. One can apply to the university directly, without any intermediaries. This option best suits those, who are familiar with the western universities, who realizes, where it is better to enroll and how exactly to do it – in other words those, who clearly see their goal. After you pass all selection stages and the university will want to see you among its students, you will need to search for funding. This does not mean that you need to pay for training from your own savings. The academic grants are often provided by the university itself, but most often students apply to special funds – either international or domestic.

5. Seek funding
For example, the International Education Center is a sponsor for successful local students in Georgia. It is a governmental structure, introduced by the Georgian Prime Minister several years ago. During the first academic year of its operation, the Centre supported 192 Georgian students, who are now undergoing master’s or PhD studies in the West. Interested individuals can undergo registration at the International Education Center from March 20 till May 15 at this link. Here is one more very important resource for Georgian seekers – – a kind of search engine that allows to find donors, who can pay for one’s education.