Two performances were shown in Vladikavkaz as part of the tour of the South Ossetian Kosta Khetagurov Drama Theater.
‘The Bourgeois Gentleman (Fr. Le Bourgeois gentilhomme), a comedy based on the same-name play by Molière, was staged by Tamerlan Dzudtsov, whereas ‘Fando & Lis’, a tragicomedy based on the same-name play by Arrabal, was staged by Jan Yanovsky. Both performances were done in the Ossetian language.
The performances were shown on the stage of the North Ossetian Theater after Vladimir Tkhapsayev.
In April 2017, the aforesaid theatre was on tour in Tskhinval with two performances: ‘A box of chocolates’ and ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.
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