The first-ever Red Book of Endangered Species of South Ossetia, that will include the republic’s unique and threatened species of flora and fauna, will be published in April this year – Alan Kharebov, Deputy Chair of the Committee on Geology, Ecology and Management of Natural Resources, reported.
In his words, it’s a unique book that has never been published in South Ossetia before. Colleagues from North Ossetia and the Sochi National Park research fellows, assisted the South Ossetian scholars in compiling this book.
The scholars started collecting materials for publication back in 2011. In June 2013, the Government of South Ossetia passed a special resolution on the need for publication of South Ossetia’s Red Book of Endangered Species.
The republic’s government has provided funds for preparation and publication of the Book.
The Red Book of Endangered Species of South Ossetia will be republished at least once in a decade.
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