1 new update

Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Timeline of events, March 18-19

  • Summary of events by 22.30: UN denied Russia's information about production of biological weapons in Ukraine

  • Tbilisi honors the memory of two volunteers who died in Ukraine, as another Georgian Legion fighter dies in battle for Mariupol

  • Summary of events by 14.30: Russia starts using thermobaric weapons and hypersonic missiles

  • Summary of events by 09.30: Dozens of people die after Nikolayev missile attack

  • Two Georgian volunteers die in Ukraine

  • Summary of events by 22.30: Putin - "We haven't had such unity for a long time"; journalist disappears in Mariupol

  • Summary of events by 16.00: Rocket strikes on Ukrainian cities, new threats from Lavrov

  • Summary of events by 10.00: Rocket attack on Lviv, new sanctions against Russia

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