MP at the center of a scandal
Nagif Gamzayev, a recently elected member of the National Assembly (MP) from Gyanja town, presented the next “hot topic to Azerbaijani Internet-community.

As the site of the Yeni Müsavat newspaper reports with reference to its correspondent, during the talk with journalists, he unexpectedly attacked with accusations the leader of the first Azerbaijani Democratic Republic (ADR), Mammed Emin Rasulzade.
To apprehend the essence of the issue, one should know that during the first years of independence, the Azerbaijani society referred with satisfaction to ADR, which had been founded in 1918 and existed until the Soviet Red Army occupied Baku.

Having achieved much success during his ruling, Mammad Emin Rasulzade was so popular that his portrait was depicted on the one thousand Manat banknote. Due to this fact, in the commonality the money was figured as “Mammads.

He was unanimously recognized to be a founder of Azerbaijan’s independence, a hero of the nation. The history of ADR was taught in all details at schools. During hard post-soviet years, teachers had to make work-books as there were no new text-books in the history of Azerbaijan.
Several years ago, some politician came up with a formula “the nation can have only one leader. The idea rooted and people started gradually forgetting Rasulzade.
However, nobody announced him to be the nation’s enemy. That’s why the statements like “Rasulzade was a traitor, he sold our lands caused indignation and acrimonious mockeries. The pro-governmental Mass Media pretended as if nothing had happened. Other people resented the fact. Titles like “Nagif Gamzayev is not MP, he is an insect appeared. web-site described the incident referring to its correspondent, who had attended the meeting. As the journalist said, it was an informal meeting rather than an interview. Gamzayev offered journalists a very tasty dinner. As for the essence of the issue itself, when the Yeni Müsavat correspondent asked, why there was a sack on the head of Rasulzade’s monument, the deputy responded, prying himself from eating mutton, that the monument was being restored and added that Heydar Aliyev was the only national leader he recognized.

The Facebook users were also not outside.
“Give a fool rope enough, and he’ll hang himself. Today this MP has returned (followed by many smiles) to the society realization of the importance of Rasulzade’s personality in Azerbaijan’s history.
“In my opinion, this deputy’s words have been misinterpreted. I do not believe such nonsense can be made. If he really has said such things, it means he has no personal opinion.
“Why everybody was so indignant over the fact that a prostitute really tuned out to be a prostitute?’
“Now everybody knows him. He will make a rebuttal, blame a journalist, who misinterpreted his words, but who noted correctly his position regarding another leader. He will be happy.