However, too many fears came up in course of discussion that the procedure will be an excellent opportunity for completely healthy prisoners to be released. Therefore, the Cabinet has postponed enactment of this decision by three months, so that, as Prime Minister Artur Mikvabia put it, ‘to finalize all bylaws and minimize all the loopholes.’
‘The proposed list of diseases is too expanded and vague. As a result, the individuals concerned may start exerting pressure on doctors [or bribe them – JAMnews]. It also provides a convenient form for lawyers to work off their fees,- commented Raul Lolua, ex-Minister of Interior.
Beyond the official structures, the comments on this decision have been more categorical.
‘The perpetrators will get a bunch of fake documents confirming that they have the diseases provided in the list.’
‘The list of diseases has no world penitentiary analogues. Nearly 90% of the population can fit in these norms, that will become the horns of plenty for our mad- with-greed officials. Why not just start selling indulgences? It will be a fair play and the treasury will be replenished.
‘What we need is a normal prison for thousand single cells and the hospital there. Then no one will be released ahead of time.
The question of what should be done with really seriously ill prisoners, for example, those with tuberculosis, has not kindled the society’s interest so far.