In the capital of Abkhazia a policeman drove a car through a memorial cemetery, for which he had to apologize on camera.
The incident occurred on the night of January 14-15 in the Park of Glory in the center of Sukhumi. An employee of the Property Protection Department of the Interior Ministry of Abkhazia, Nazar Kardanov, drove his car for unknown reasons to a mass grave and then drove in circles around the memorial complex with the names of Abkhazians who died in the Georgian-Abkhazian war of 1992-93. Then Kardanov rammed the stairs and drove away.
He was identified the following day and made to apologize on camera.
First Kardanov appeared before representatives of veteran organizations and apologized to them.
Then he apologized to relatives of fighters buried in the Park of Glory and to all citizens of Abkhazia.
And finally, a photo appeared online in which Kardanov is kneeling before the memorial.
He was also dismissed from the police force.
Unlike in Russia, where this has already become the norm, for Abkhazia public apologies on camera are very rare. Kardanov’s apology is only the third such case.
The first time this occurred was a few years ago, when a teenage Armenian from the town of Gagra kicked the national flag of Abkhazia. His father had to apologize for the teenager on camera.
The second case occurred during the coronavirus pandemic: a woman complained that there were not enough thermometers in the hospital, after which she also apologized “on the record”.
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