Who will remind of those, burnt alive?
‘Six months have passed since my life-term imprisonment. So many events occurred in the world during these months as if Allah says more often: come to senses, I see everything. But many people are still in dreams. I have not shared my thoughts about the developments so far, but I am ashamed of fellow nationals, who were gloating the developments in France and Russia. You must know one thing – if you once lose your child, you will shed bitter tears over a photo of a child, looking from a window in the airport, be he the Armenian. The humanity have no nationality.
Our country has suffered much for these six months. But sooner or later everything return back to its place. Though we do not know anything about those, who are accused of my Aikhan’s death, about reason of the fire, how the investigation is conducted, I believe, the divine scourge will find them. They will feel everything I endure. I will see this on one day by all means. They will be liable for each second of the scare and desperation my Aikhan passed through’.
15 people were killed and 63 – injured as a result of a terrible fire in a 16-storey building in Azadlyg Avenue, in Baku, on 19 May, 2015. Polyurethane wall tiles, covering the building, were the reason of the fire. The whole building caught fire for a second. It took the Emergency Situations Ministry staff four hours to extinguish the fire.

Assistance to Fire-Affected People
Social network users began immediately collecting cloths and food for fire-affected people. The Red Cross joined the initiative and controlled distribution of food and cloths.
Later, the state announced it would provide homeless fire victims with the dwelling, free of charge medical aid and compensate material damage. It has been done. Many fire-affected people have returned to their flats.

Residents of the capital mourned unanimously over the victims and demanded to punish culprits. The people brought flowers to the burnt building to commemorate the victims.
It should be noted that there were 800 buildings, covered with the analogous dangerous polyurethane wall tiles in the city. After the fire, residents of these residential buildings began striping the wall tile from them, not waiting for the authorities’ initiative. Later, the city authorities also made such decision and the polyurethane wall tiles were dismantled urgently along the city. Fire engines were on duty outside the building where dismantling was not begun.
Law enforcement bodies instituted criminal proceedings pursuant to three articles of the Criminal Code of Georgia. The President controlled personally a process of investigation. Officials, responsible for claddings of buildings, were arrested. Since that time, no any official statements about a process of investigation or its results were made.
On November 19, half a year passed since the fire, killing 15 people, occurred. The Mass Media keep silence. Some Facebook users marked the date with commemorative photos and statuses:

“Today we mark half a year since the fire in May in Baku. This fire took precious lives of our fellow citizens and our belief in the government’s justice regarding the nationals. I am more astonished with fearlessness rather than with cynicism, obduracy, selfishness, gluttony. I understand, they are not scared of us, infantile, hesitatory, saying sometimes somewhere from tricky networks. Not to be scared of energy and a mother’s pain, mother’s damnations is the peak of audaciousness or indiscretion’.