Unsanitary conditions, no water or slippers: people in quarantine in Azerbaijan complain about terrible conditions
Quarantined patients in the central hospital of the city of Astara in southeastern Azerbaijan complain of unsanitary conditions.
This video published by Meydan TV depicts several quarantined patients listing the problems:
“In the toilets, the taps are broken, there is no water, everything is dirty. They didn’t even give us slippers; we all walk in the shoes we have when we got here. There is no alcohol, no disinfectants, nothing at all. We wash our hands with the cheapest soap, and five people use one and the same. There is one dining room for all the patients, and it is not cleaned at all. Is it quarantine? Yes, a healthy person will get sick,” they say.
According to patients, they want their president to hear and take action.
At the same time, official sources claim that in all quarantine areas, appropriate conditions have been provided.
Three cases of coronavirus infection have been recorded in Azerbaijan, and more than two hundred people are in quarantine. For the most part these are people who have returned from Iran.