The cancelled revolution in Abkhazia
Authorities and opposition in Abkhazia have found compromise after a long confrontation. It happened after the opposition representatives were offered the posts of first vice-premier and Attorney General, two seats in the Constitutional Court and four – in the new Election Committee.
The peaceful outcome has not looked as guaranteed until the last minute.
Celebrating the New Year eve
Back on November 30 the Opposition block declared its intention to initiate the people`s convention 16 days ahead of the New Year eve. They also again demanded that President Raul Khadjimba immediately resign.
The parliament stepped in on December 2 to serve as a peacekeeper.
On December 13 the Abkhazian State Security Service (SSS) published the statement saying “the radical opposition activists plan to seize power by force on December 15 and kill the legitimate president.
In response the Opposition Block and the Amtsakhra party Political Council called upon SSS “to immediately provide information on those, who plan to kill the president. The opposition leaders guaranteed, that they personally bthe malefactors to the police.
On December 14 SSS chairman Zurab Marganiya presented his findings to two parliamentary committees – on defense and security, and on policy of law and human rights. The deputies unanimously voted to make the process open for the media. (The tapes presented contain obscene language).
The representatives of the Apsny, Ainar, Abkhazia People`s Front, Kyarazaa political parties were invited to discuss the situation in the country alongside with SSS and Attorney General office. The SSS head Zurab Marganiya opened the session: “Through operational search we obtained the information of the criminal plans threatening the life of the president The operation, Marganiya underlined, had been sanctioned by the court.
Then two tapes were produced, featuring Ramaz Jopua, the Amtsakhra Political Council member. Zurab Marganiya claimed it was he, whose surveillance had been sanctioned by court.
Here are the quotes from these conversations. “Everything goes as planned. The president will get what he deserves – exile. Stay firm! “He will end up worse than Yanukovich. We`ll burn down everything! We will spill their blood. We will not let him out of the third floor, will burn him down there. “Our people in Gal… those, who are ready to fight, number 350, 70 in Sukhum! The Molotov cocktails are ready!
Provocation, bluff or alcohol?
The materials were handed over to Nury Taniya, Attorney General, who said: “They are to be investigated immediately. It concerns us all.
Deputy Sergey Shamba warned of the difficult times ahead, but warned not to exclude the possibility of the tapes being a provocation or a bluff.
Deputy Leonid Chamagua reminded of the reform initiatives, rejected by the parliament, including public TV, mixed party system and others.
In order to boost stability the MPs initiated immediate talks between the authorities and the opposition.
Right after the parliamentary hearings the Amtsakhra Political Council came out with a stement, demanding that SSS “stop manipulations with the conversation between Jopua and Mikvabiya, who was lightly intoxicated by alcohol, and publish it in full for the public to be better informed.
Neighboring rallies
By midnight on the day of the convention the parlament organized a briefing. Valery Bganba, the parliament speaker said, they have failed to prevent the convention, but have attempted once again to warn “that changing the figures on the political scene will not help to resolve the crisis.
Deputy Akhra Bjaniya explained: “The process is under way. We agreed on a joint declaration, to be signed by all political forces, stating they will stick to law.
The parliament declared the document signed on December 15.
It appeals to all political forces to respect democratic procedures, the national constitution and abide by law. The declaration was signed by the president, the parliament speaker, the Civic Chamber secretary, the parties leaders and Aslan Bjaniya, the Opposition Block co-chairman.
Meanwhile two rallies were being held – one by the presidential administration office, initiated by the loyalist Aruaa veterans organization, and another by the local Drama Theatre – by the Opposition Block. The first one was meant “to support the statehood, the second one called for the president to step down immediately. With that resolution the Opposition Block leaders made their way to the president. That was his reaction: “They demanded resignation. For all to understand; the president cannot resign. But we are ready for the new talks.
The defense minister Mirab Kishmariya has joined the talks.
Aslan Bjaniya informed his supporters, that the opposition representatives were offered the posts of first vice-premier and Attorney General, two seats in the Constitutional Court and four – in the new Election Committee.
Having reached the compromise the participants of both rallies left the venues.

The opinions expressed in the article convey the author’s terminology and views and do not necessarily reflect the position of the editorial staff