Russian PM’s owned palaces, residencies and yachts exposed
Aleksey Navalni Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK)published finding of the investigationinto the assets and elite real estate of the RF Premier, Dmitry Medvedev, which, according to the publication, were purchased illegally.
Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev is not that harmless and comic character as he is commonly considered to be – reads the publication. “He is a rather cunning and greedy man, obviously a little bit obsessed with the residences and luxury real estate, who, for the sake of owing them, has developed the biggest corruption scheme.
And, to his credit, it’s the most sophisticated one. We have exposed, described and proved by documents the existence of the charitable and non-commercial foundations’ network, organized by Medvedev’s proxies and relatives.
The word ‘charitable’ shouldn’t be confusing: Medvedev and his family are the only beneficiaries of that ‘aid’,” the FKB stated.
On a video dedicated to the investigation, the head of the Foundation, Aleksey Navalny, tells about the scheme exposed by the hacker, who ‘’leaked’ Medvedev’s personal correspondence on social media. The investigation began with bright sneakers and other clothing, that the Premier likes to be photographed in. And the foundation found out, where and in whose name those things had been bought. And that led to much more serious findings – palaces, residences, yachts and vineyards, titled to various structures, headed by Medvedev’s personal friends.
Based on the aforesaid informtaion, Navalni blames the Russian Premier for developing a ‘multi-level corruption scheme’ and bribe-taking. The oppositionist claims that thousands of people have been serving that scheme, whereas the real estate facilities have been safeguarded by the national special services.
As Russian Prime Minister’s Spokesperson, Natalia Timakova, said in response to publication of the investigation materials, ‘the material presented by Navalny is of a markedly pre-election nature, he says it himself at the end of the video’. In her words, ‘commenting on propagandistic remarks by an oppositional creature and a convict, who has already said that he leads some sort of election campaign and fights the authorities, is pointless.’
Aleksey Navalni, one of the most active opponents and critics of the Russian leadership, claims, he is going to run for RF president’s post in 2018. In 2013, he as given 5-year suspended sentence in the so-called ‘Kirovles case’. Navalni and his supporters regard the case as politically motivated.