Opposition leader in Abkhazia sues prosecutor’s office
The Supreme Court of Abkhazia recognized the lawsuit against the Prosecutor General’s Office, in which opposition leader Adgur Ardzinba accuses it of inaction over possible embezzlement during an overhaul of the Achguara high-voltage power line.
The repair of the Achguara line was carried out at the end of last year and turned out to be unsuccessful. At the first start of the line, an accident occurred – the new wires could not withstand the loads. As a result, the contractor had to make secondary repairs.
The leader of the Abkhazian opposition, Adgur Ardzinba, intends to get the Prosecutor General’s Office to verify how the funds were spent when purchasing materials for the repair of Achguar through the courts. According to Ardzinba, out of the 108 million rubles [more than $41 million] spent on materials, more than 50 million [about $19 million] were stolen through inflated prices.
The opposition published a comparative analysis of purchase and real prices. On November 17, 2022, the President of Abkhazia, Aslan Bzhaniya, summoned representatives of law enforcement agencies and gave them 15 days to investigate the situation. However, this investigation has not yet been completed.
In his complaint, Ardzinba indicates that requests to the prosecutor’s office with a request to report the results of the check on the fact of overpricing during the repair of Achguara were sent to them on February 15, February 28 and March 23, but they did not yield any result.
Ardzinba filed a complaint with the court, indicating that he sent requests to the prosecutor’s office three times with a request to report the results of the check, but received no answer.
“During this period, the prosecutor’s office could at least confirm the fact of overpricing? Not to mention the fact that it was necessary to investigate to the end who overestimated prices, with what intent, although this, too, could be established in five months. But, at least, to confirm the fact that the prices were too high, and by what amount, the prosecutor’s office could do it.”
Opposition leader in Abkhazia sues prosecutor’s office
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