People were pulling through the fire, rescuing their children, trying to grasp everything at hand, they ran out into the street, where it was raining heavily that night. Neighbors were the first to help them. According to the preliminary version – it was circuit fault that caused fire. The houses in this district were built as early as in the XIX century. Most of the houses are decrepit, closely bearing against each other and have wooden ceilings. That’s why the fire easily spread from one house to another. Eye-witnesses say, fire brigade came in time. Timur Tskhovrebov was the one, who took an active part in putting out the fire. His house did not burn down, but its roof caught fire. The fire broke out in the so called ‘Jewry’, though, Timur Tskhovrebov says, this block is actually ‘Armenian’.
The President visited homeless fire victims in the morning. He tasked the mayor of the capital to accommodate the fire-affected people. Initially it was planned to provide them with residential areas in one of the new micro-districts in Tskhinval/i. However, it turned out, there were not any vacant apartments there.
The homeless fire victims have been finally accommodated in rented apartments and the authorities will cover their rental costs until they are able to provide them with dwelling. Three families, whose’ houses were burned down completely, as well as the residents of the two houses with damaged roofs, will get one-off aid, the amount of which will depend on the extent of damage incurred.