Infant mortality rate in Armenia dropped by 4% in 2016
There has been a drop in infant mortality rate in Armenia over the past decade: children under 1 mortality rate has made 8 per 1,000 children.
According to Gayane Avagyan, the Head of the Health Ministry’s Maternal and Reproductive Health Department, Armenia has been ranked among the countries with low infant mortality rate and it has the lowest rate among the CIS countries.
It is noteworthy that newborns, who at birth weighted at least 500gr., have been also taken into account, since the mortality rate among such infants is rather high. Whereas last year, only the infants with the weight at birth exceeding 1 kg. were taken into account when estimating the rates.
Child mortality cases reported in January-December 2016:
infant mortality cases made 356, that is by 4% less than in the same period of last year;
deaths in under-4 children made 411 cases, that is by 5,5% less compared to the same period of last year;
stillbirth rate dropped by 14%; the total of 688 cases were reported.
Introduction of obstetrics and state children’s insurance system has contributed to the reduction of infant mortality rate in Armenia, making medical assistance more affordable for women.
According to Gayane Avagyan, the rate of induced abortions in Armenia reduced 4 times over the past 15 years: in 2000, the abortion rate was estimated at 2,6 abortions per woman; whereas in 2015 it made 0,6. Sex-selective abortion rates also dropped: in 2000, the sex-at-birth ratio in Armenia made 120 boys per 100 girls, whereas in 2016 this ration made 112 boys per 100 girls.
According to the Armenian National Statistical Service, overall 40,638 children, including 21,459 boys and 19,179 girls, were born in Armenia in 2016.