Hotline to be operating in Armenia in the campaign period and on the parliamentary election day
April parliamentary election campaign will be launched in Armenia on March 5, 2017. A hotline (37410) 511-603 will be operating at the Armenian General Prosecutor’s Office from the very first day, from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. and on the election day – in the round-a-clock mode. It will help ‘to verify reports on election-related crimes, as well as will facilitate the efficiency of the law-enforcement agencies’ activities, aimed at their disclosure.’
According to the media reports, individuals concerned can communicate reliable information on obvious electoral crimes through the hotline. The General Prosecutor’s Office guarantees confidentiality to a person reporting the crime.
As of March 4, 2017, the special working group studied 79 media reports on alleged election-related violations, as well as 1 anonymous report to the police.
According to the General Prosecutor’s Office, ‘only 19 out of 80 reports contained information on obvious electoral violations… 14 out of 19 reports were related to obvious cases of electoral bribe-taking, whereas 5 reports were related to the cases of prevention of the freedom of expression of the electors’ will.”