Georgian Holy Synod rules to continue with sacrament rite
At a recent meeting of the Georgian Holy Synod it was decided to leave the sacrament rite unchanged, despite the epidemic of the coronavirus.
Metropolitan Nicholas of Akhalkalaki and Kumurdo, who reported this after the meeting, emphasized that the Synod has a unanimous opinion on this matter: one spoon will stool be used for everyone, since the very idea that the sacrament is capable of the slightest corruption is unacceptable.
According to the metropolitan, the church is ready to take into consideration any recommendations, except for ‘those that may cast doubt on the goodness and mystical connection with the Lord.’
He also suggested that the flock itself decides whether to attend the liturgy in the church or “stay in the fresh air.”
At the same time, the metropolitan said that the church is ready to recommend the flock strictly follow the recommendations of the Ministry of Health.
Thus, it became clear that the church did not heed the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and the National Center for Disease Control, except for one: it agreed to the disinfection of churches.
For their part, ministers of the Georgian Orthodox Church (GOC), by order of Catholicos Patriarch Elijah the Second, held services on Tbilisi streets on March 17, sprinkled them with blessed water and lit incense.
Due to the spread of the coronavirus, the Georgian authorities temporarily closed the entry of foreigners into the country, extended their holidays in schools and universities, closed kindergartens, canceled all sports and cultural events, and introduced a number of restrictive measures. The Ministry of Health recommends observing hygiene, washing hands frequently, and avoiding crowded places.
As of March 20, there are 44 coronaviruses infected in Georgia, 1,925 people are in quarantine, and 271 are under stationary surveillance.