Following the Russian government’s decision at the end of December 2023 to grant the state company “Rosneft” exclusive rights for supplying petroleum products to Abkhazia, a fuel shortage has emerged in the republic’s market.
Now, it is impossible to import gasoline and diesel fuel into Abkhazia that were acquired under existing contracts with other suppliers. Abkhaz companies engaged in the fuel business are urged to directly enter into contracts with the company Rosneft or to purchase fuel from its subsidiary, “Rosneft-Abkhazia.”
Local entrepreneurs are discontent with the monopoly and are reluctant to comply with the new regulations.
The Fuel Association of Abkhazia, comprising approximately 40 local companies, has declared that it has no intention to follow the Rosneft’s rules as it would lead to the market’s monopolization.
Currently, companies have depleted their stocks of gasoline and diesel fuel. Since the beginning of January 2024, the sale of fuel at Abkhazian gas stations has virtually come to a halt. Fuel stations are either completely closed or only providing gasoline to corporate clients.
The exceptions are only the company “Podorozhnik,” which has sufficient reserves until the end of January, and the same applies to “Rosneft-Abkhazia.”
The ministry of economy in Abkhazia insists that the decision of the Russian government came as a surprise even to them. Economy Mminister Kristina Ozgan stated that she is in consultations with Russian authorities, but specific details are unlikely to be expected until the conclusion of the holiday weekend.
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