Deputy Quartermaster-General and military unit subsistence service chief arrested in Armenia
Armenian Investigation Committee has brought charges against Deputy Quartermaster-General and chief of subsistence service of the military unit N for abuse of official powers for mercenary purposes and infliction of material losses to the state.
Preliminary inquiry has revealed that military unit N was actually supplied less bread than it was indicated in the invoices.
The investigation found that military unit N Deputy Quartermaster-General, Lieutenant-Colonel V. Petrosyan colluded with the officials from the CJSC in charge of bread supplies. Under their deal, more bread was indicated in the documents than the staff actually required. An additional sum was to be paid per extra batch.
At the same time, Lieutenant-Colonel V. Petrosyan, who was also in charge of organization and control of bread procurement accounting procedure, tasked E. Aleksanyan, the chief of subsistence service of the same military unit, to send to the CJSC the invoices that already included inaccurate data on supplied bread volumes.
Thus, the higher command personnel were produced documents on bread supplies exceeding the required volumes, which resulted in material losses to the state. V. Petrosyan and E. Aleksanyan have been arrested.
The bread supplier company official has been charged with large-scale fraud. An undertaking not to leave has been chosen as a restraint measure for him.