The English definition of the word Flea Market is a type of bazaar where people trade used merchandise. However, Tbilisi Flea Market moniker has really managed to turn into a brand-at least within the youth, it evokes the most unexpected associations for foreigners. For example: design, exclusivity, vivacity. And that’s for a good reason.
Tbilisi Flea Market opened a few years ago and quite by chance-two young Georgian ladies, Keti Mangoshvili and Nino Bochorishvili, organized it to sell their accumulated unnecessary things.
Among those who visited the first flea market, were mainly the friends of Nino and Kate, but they had a really great time there. So, the next year, both the visitors and participants considerably increased in number. Whereas the sold and bought items were not just old merchandise, but rather colorful original works-jewelry, clothes, accessories, interior design items and toys. Over time, the flea market (despite its name) has turned into a stylish wingding.
‘Have you ever held a matchbox in your hand dated from 1943 with the portrait of a Japanese kamikaze-suicide pilot? But I have!’ Anton, one of the clients-and a grateful spectator-of the 2016 Flea Market, shares his impressions.
‘This is a great incentive for young designers,’ says Tiko, a participant. ‘Where else can one demonstrate one’s works to so many people!’
Anyone is welcomed to exhibit and try to sell his/her works–anyone with handmade works can participate here for free. It is usually held in one of the central parks in Tbilisi.