10 simple steps to happiness and success
Step one. Study yourself
You are the gift of the Universe. You are unique, there has never been and will never be another human being like you. Just think of it!
Ask yourself: who am I? Why do I exist? Why am I exactly who I am? Sometimes the whole life is hardly enough to answer all these questions, but it is absolutely necessary to strive to answer them if one wants to be a successful person. The more self-searching I do, the more energy and strength I have to achieve success. By studying yourself you develop your own objective self-esteem ability: you realize your merits and do not turn a blind eye to shortcomings.

Step two. Formulate your intent
Do you have an inmost desire? Formulate it! The Universe will ensure that it comes true if you give it a right order. To do this you need to know for sure what exactly you want, since intent is a clearly formulated and very definite goal. First of all, you will certainly need to define it for yourself and then choose the right words so that the universe can understand you.
Step Three. Determine direction
Goal setting is certainly not the end of it. To achieve it you need to develop your own strategic plan. If you still do not have it, then you are following someone else’s plan. In other words, you fall under other person’s influence and that does not bring much joy. Stop, think, realize what you need – determine the direction. For example. If I am travelling by ship to Poti, I will stock up with food and drink for a day, but if I am planning to sail to Italy, then I will need completely different volume of supplies. Things are too bad if I do not know where I am sailing to.
Step Four. Develop emotional consciousness
Do you know what ’emotional consciousness’ is? The successful people do know!
There are people, who very much attract others by something, causing a desire to communicate with them. They are often referred to as charismatic persons. Many people still believe that charisma is an innate property, but this is misleading. Back in the 50-60s of last century, the USA conducted a large-scale study of the psychological characteristics of successful people, and it was then, that the psychologists found that charisma is not an innate gift. It may (and should be!) developed and improved. Try to establish such relationship with people, that they feel good with you; create a comfortable and pleasant environment to them.
Step five. Be thankful
A feeling of gratitude is a powerful energy. Make a little effort and you will be able to develop this feeling and really experience appreciation to different people and for great variety of reasons.

Step Six. Maintain healthy lifestyle
Healthy lifestyle is, first of all, doing everything in moderation. For example, in food and passive rest. Don’t be lazy to go on foot, walk in the fresh air, do not miss a chance to be out-of-doors. Contact with nature nourishes us with energy, which, in turn, helps us feel happiness and joy.

Step seven. Continue learning
After reaching 40, each person shall be learning something new. It does not matter how – one may enroll in some new courses or buy a smart book. When a muscle does not work, it atrophies and that’s what makes it so similar to the mind. The more efforts you make to improve you skills, the more success you will achieve.
Step Eight. Keep balance
There are many different categories in our lives: family, work, friends, entertainment, etc. Take a sheet of paper and make a list of the categories that are important to you. Then, pay attention, which one you allocate more or less time to. If I am completely focused on work, then, in this case, I have no time for friends or if I give myself completely to the family, then I despoil myself. It creates an imbalance, that prevents you from achieving harmony.

Step nine. Don’t forget about good deeds
It brings more joy to one, who does good, rather than to one, whom this good has been addressed. Charity, selfless assistance, making one’s own contribution to something important – these are the traits of a successful person. An important detail – good deeds should be done in secret and wholeheartedly.
Step ten. Take a spiritual shower
Not only the body becomes dirty, but the human soul as well. Therefore, we need cleansing from time to time. There are various tools for that: a confession, a prayer, a meditation, music, special exercises, etc. It does not matter much, which cleansing technique you choose, the main thing is that it should be done consciously.

Photos from Keti Zhvania-Tyson’s personal archive