The National Council has organized already the second rally this week (the first one took place on Septemder 11). The rally was held at Mehsul stadium, in Baku, from 3 to 5 p.m. About 5,000 people joined the rally despite the rain. 14 people, including the members of the Azerbaijani Popular Front Party (APFP) and Musavat, as well as journalist Islam Shikhali, were detained by the police following the rally.
Police have made an official statement, saying the rally (that was sanctioned by the executive authorities), had passed without any violations. However, after the rally, some participants still violated the public order.
Meanwhile, the rally participants claim, the police simply attacked the people, leaving the rally venue and started pushing them into the police buses that had been brought there in advance in the very beginning of the rally.
“Freedom to Faiq Amirli!” Faiq Amirli, the “Azadlyg” newspaper circulation director, was arrested for three months. He has been accused of instigation of religious sedition and some other crimes.
“Freedom to Elvin Abdullayev!” Elvin Abdullayev is a youth activist, a member of the Azerbaijani Popular Front Party (APFP). He was sentenced to 6 years in prison for possession of drugs in 2015
“Freedom to Rufat Safarov!” Rufat Safarov, a former investigator, was sentenced to 9 years in prison for bribery.