Austrian Foreign Minister’s statement has caused great stir in Georgian and, especially, in Russian mass media.
In his recent interview to the Bildt media outlet, Austrian FM, Sebastain Kurz, stated as follows:
“We need refugee centers outside the European Union, which would be managed jointly with the UNHCR, UN Refugee Agency. They can be located, for example, in Georgia, Egypt or in Western Balkans.”
Kurtz explained that those centers can accommodate those, who illegally crossed into EU.
However, the local media haveinterpreted this assumption as a proof that the decision to set up international centers for refugees, including those from Syria, had been already made.
Georgian government officials flatly denied the aforesaid reports.
This issue hasn’t been discussed at any official meeting with the Georgian side,” said Konstantin Zaldastanishvili, Georgia’s envoy to Austria.
Georgian Foreign Ministry issued a special statement in connection with the scandal.
“The issue of opening refugee centers is not on Georgia’s agenda. It’s impossible to implement such project, especially given the problems that our country has to address,” Georgian MFA’s statement reads.
Austrian FM, Sebastian Kurz, paid a 1-day visit to Georgia on Mach 3,2017. According to the Georgian MFA, the aforesaid issue was not discussed in course of the visit. Consequently, Georgian Foreign Ministry can’t tell, what exactly Sebastian Kurz meant.