Small apartment’s hang-ups
Khruschevka – a tiny apartment. In the Soviet Union, they started to build such apartments in the 60s, during Nikita Khruschev’s ruling. It is a negative symbol of the soviet architecture. It is an apartment with a tiny kitchen and a low sealing.
It should be reminded that Khruschevka-type apartments were built to save the people from living in unbearable conditions of congregative living facilities and cellars. People were happy to get such apartments as they had no longer to share common WCs with other families and lock a refrigerator.
At present, the narrowness of such apartments creates some complexes in their owners, as they know that the kitchen should be spacious and a window large and high. They desperately try to enlarge their apartments. How could it be done not being influenced by stereotypes?
1. Everything should be light
You may paper your walls and the room will become twice as large – this is the main stereotype of Khruschveka’s owners. Of course, light colors visually enlarge the space, but 12-meter room will not become bigger due to light wallpaper. It is more important not to clutter up the area with extra furniture. Thus, choose the color with preference to your taste.

2. Small furniture
And here is the same mistake. Uncomfortable furniture – narrow sofas and small tables do not enlarge the flat. Getting rid of such furniture you may enlarge a room by half a meter, but you will have no place to put dishes, it will be uncomfortable to rest and to sit at a table. By the way, a large bed is very comfortable and stylish. Doesn’t it matter that you can’t walk in the bedroom?

3. Pint-size ceiling lamps
The owners of Khruschevkas believe that any ceiling lamp with the height of more than 20 cm. is not good for them because you can easily touch it with your head because of the too low ceiling. It results in the appearance of ugly “octopuses on the ceiling. But if you get rid of this stereotype, you might have more possibilities for making your choice, while buying the lamp. Why should you walk under the ceiling lamp? You avoid impacting with other pieces of furniture, though it occupies much more space.
4. Details make the comfort
Beautiful curtains, carpets, pictures on the walls and illumination make the comfort. If these four elements are placed in absolutely empty room, it will look much cozier than a room filled with vases, souvenirs, statuettes. Everything on the shelves and cupboards should be in one style. You should hide vases that are kept to show your respect to people, who presented you with them.

5. More Closets and Cupboards
The first thought that comes into a housewife’s mind – My God, where should I put my things? There is neither back-room nor attic or a cellar in Khruschevka. There is a strong desire to order more closets, but they will occupy a lot of useful space. What should be done?
Firstly, use your imagination. It is not necessary to follow the common schemes. Will the shelves occupy all the kitchen walls? What for? Technically, kitchen furniture is just the place for keeping dishware. You can use open shelves under the ceiling, shelves in the niche or a high closet. It is not necessary to buy standard “sections, consisting of floor and wall-hanging cupboards. The clothes can be kept in pouf-chests and in sofas with special keeping places.
Secondly, a small flat is a unique chance to get rid of all unnecessary things forever, not to keep rusty nails in cans and old faded curtains. You use all necessary things and the rest are to be given to the poor people. You will feel better and will be in high spirits.