On January 15, the requirement for the obligatory slaughter of cattle exclusively in licensed slaughterhouses entered into force in Armenia. And all this time, protests have been held in Armenia against the law “on slaughterhouses.”
The requirements for the slaughter of cattle in specialized slaughterhouses has been postponed until July 1 – under pressure from farmers, butchers and others involved in the industry who were unhappy with the government’s decision.
In particular, they said that for them the law creates additional difficulties. The farmers did not even know how to quickly organize the transport of livestock for slaughter and where to send their stock. Experts estimate that from this price could rise by about 10 percent.
By July 1, the government intends to create the necessary conditions for the implementation of the law, in particular, provide soft loans for the purchase of equipment and machinery for transporting livestock.
The possibility of creating small mobile slaughter wagons to cater for those settlements where there are not enough cattle to operate a stationary slaughter house is also being discussed.