A minimum subsistence wage has been increased by AZN11 (US$6) under the President’s Decree and now totals AZN116 (US$63). Last time it was increased by AZN11,50 4 years ago, Radio Liberty reports.
In view of a price hike and a drop in Manat rate against US Dollar, a minimum subsistence wage amounting to AZN105 has turned from US$135 into US$57 over this 4-year period, thus casting Azerbaijan to the last place among the Caucasus countries as to the amount of minimum wage.
According to the Azerbaijani State Statistical Committee data (2015), an average wage totals AZN467 (US$255) in Azerbaijan.
Employees of the healthcare and social service fields have the lowest wages (AZN204 (US$111) per field on average).
Extractive industry workers have the highest wages – AZN 2,171 or US$1,186.