A survey was recently conducted by the Caucasian Research Resource Center (CRRC).
The survey indicated that the two most important issues for the Armenian society are homelessness and poverty – 36% of the population considers homelessness to be the most important issue while 17% believes poverty is.
Nevertheless, the survey indicated that participants, on average, ranked their happiness levels rather high – 6.8 on a scale of 10.
According to the survey, of all of the public institutions, citizens trust the army most of all (77% of respondents expressed absolute confidence in the armed forces), thereafter the church (74%).
The survey also concluded that:
63% of respondents believe that the country should fully rely on its own forces in resolving the Karabakh conflict;
77% of respondents believe the conflict must be resolved through negotiations.
A total of 1 648 Adult Armenian citizens participated in the survey.