Members of the Georgian Orthodox Church Synod and clergymen are holding meetings at the NATO headquarters in Brussels.
The hierarchs met with James Appaturay, the NATO Secretary General special representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia. The parties discussed the issue of Euro-Atlantic integration of Georgia, and the role the church has to play to inform the society about the process.
“The Georgian people has always wanted to be a part of Europ… Cases of the Russian aggression are numerous, and now part of our territory is under occupation. As we see it, only participation in the Euro-Atlantic structures can provide better security… Myths about NATO are to be repealed”, bishop Saba of the North American diocese said.
Anton, metropolitan of Baghdad, stated in his turn, that the Georgian clergymen are interested in learning more about the NATO values and how Georgia will be integrated into the alliance.
“ We are being treated well here… The NATO side is also getting rid of the stereotypes. We are interested to learn more about their values and integration”, metropolitan Anton said.
The clergymen are also to meet NATO Secretary General deputy assistant on citizen diplomacy Carmen Romero, permanent representatives of US, Netherlands, Romania and Bulgaria. The visit is to last till February 25.
The Georgian clergymen visited Brussels for the first time last November.