Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, Ilia II returned to Georgia after undergoing a medical treatment course in Germany. Thousands of people met the Georgian Orthodox Church leader at the airport. Free transport was organized by Tbilisi City Hall for the individuals willing to greet Ilia II.
In his interview to journalists, Ilia II thanked his fellow citizens for their empathy and expressed gratitude to the German medics for successful surgery. Ilia II also touched upon the circumstances of the high-profile murder attempt, allegedly plotted to be carried out during his stay in Berlin Clinic. “I regret that such unpleasant events took place. We are going to inquire into this matter jointly with the authorities and make relevant conclusions. I believe, everything will end well,” the Patriarch stated.
Georgian Orthodox Church leader was undergoing medical treatment in Helios Berlin buch clinic since February 2. On February 13, he underwent laparoscopic gallbladder surgery.
Meanwhile, the Deputy Head of Georgian Patriarchate’s Assets Management Department, Giorgi Mamaladze, was arrested by police at Tbilisi International Airport on February 10, as he was going to leave for Germany. According to the Prosecutors office, a strong poisoning substance, cyanide, was found in his luggage, with which he was allegedly going to murder a ‘high-ranking cleric’. Some measures were taken to toughen Ilia II’s personal security. Meanwhile, Georgian Prime Minister and other government officials claimed, a particularly grave crime against the state had been prevented. However, the Prosecutor’s Office claimed later, the murder plot hadn’t targeted the Patriarch.
Today, on February 20, the arrested clergyman’s new lawyer also denied the patriarch’s murder attempt charges. In Mikhail Ramishvili’s words, the charges brought against Mamaladzeconcerned plotting a murder of Patriarch’s executive assistant, Shorena Tetruashvili. “There was no threat to Patriarch,” the lawyer said. Up to date, the arrestee’s lawyer avoided discussing the case details, referring to a pledge of secrecy.
On February 17, Giorgi Mamaladze was taken from prison to hospital due to aggravated health state. Medics say, he is now in normal condition, but he still requires additional examination.