Azerbaijani Muslims celebrate the Night of Destiny
Millions of Muslims around the globe, including Azerbaijan, celebrated the Night of Destiny (also referred to as the Night of Power or Laylat al-Qadr) on the night of 14 June.
According to Islamic sources, on this night, Archangel Jibreel (or Jibril) visited Mohammad while he was praying, held out a scroll of paper to him and said: ‘Read!’. The Night of Destiny is marked at the end of Ramadan, the ninth month in the Islamic lunar calendar. On this night the Muslims traditionally ask God for forgiveness and read or recite the Quran.
Since the specific date of the Night of Destiny isn’t mentioned in the Quran, Muslims celebrate it three times. Moreover, the adherents of various Islamic schools and branches celebrate it on different dates.
We present JAMnews’s correspondent Aziz Kerimov’s photo report of the Fatima-Zahra Mosque, in Güneshli settlement, Baku outskirts.