Azerbaijan has reported its 12th death from coronavirus and 50 new cases of infection.
At the same time, 39 more have recovered and been discharged from the hospital.
This brings the total number of infected in Azerbaijan to 1148 people, 289 of which have already recovered.
On the evening of April 12, the number of people cured in the country in the previous 24 hours finally exceeded the number of new infections for the first time.
Social media users had a mixed reaction.
Some began to make optimistic predictions:
“The number of infections is going down, and will continue to go down even more over the next 10-15 days.”
“If only it could be over with faster, how long can we sit at home!”
Others, on the contrary, advised people not to celebrate too early and throw all caution to the wind:
“Because of this encouraging statistic, there are already more people on the streets again. But we must not relax. COVİD-19 will not give up so easily.”
And a third group does not believe the statistics at all:
“There are no infection statistics in Azerbaijan. There is only a government plan and media propaganda. First they sow panic, and then they say that the situation has been neutralized.”
There are no expert opinions as to when the infection in Azerbaijan will reach its peak and decline.
At present, Azerbaijan has imposed a strict quarantine regime and closed the metro, parks, city squares, and almost all commercial facilities, organizations and enterprises.
In order to leave the house, you must either have a certificate of employment or receive SMS permission from the authorities, which is issued only once a day for two hours for each person. People over the age of 65 are prohibited from leaving their homes.
At the same time, Azerbaijan has not yet declared an official state of emergency, effectively rendering all of these new restrictions illegal.