– Well, your face … it’s unusual to see a young lady with such an appearance in Armenia, – a jewelry vendor told me smiling, at the vernissage.
And recently, when I was buying fruit at the market, a seller suddenly asked me:
– I’m sorry, darling, I’m an old woman and I probably don’t understand much. But does that mean anything?
– No, it doesn’t mean anything. I just like it, – I told the woman.
– Wasn’t it painful? Weren’t you afraid? What was your parents’ reaction? – a young employee of the mobile phone service center asked.
– Well, at first the parents didn’t like it, but then they have got used to it. If you want you should do it- I told her.
And every day it’s all the same. In fact, if I hadn’t been constantly asked, I would have forgotten that I ‘m wearing such jewelry. It’s certainly very annoying. But I’ve decided to do the third one next year.