Abkhazia publishes list of debtors hoping to force the guilty into paying
A list of debtors has been distributed to the press in Abkhazia per order of President Raul Khajimba, and includes the names of debtors, the date credit was allocated to them and the outstanding amounts as of 5 February 2018.
There are 360 individuals and legal entities on the list. The only name that is well-known is that of Nodik Kvitsinia, who is currently serving a prison sentence for organising the murder of a Russian businessman.
A suit has already been filed with the prosecutor general to force debtors to pay up. The total amount outstanding is more than 47 million roubles (8.15 million dollars) and 3 million in USD. A statement made by the prosecutor general says that the credit was given out by Sberbank and was taken from a special budget fund for privitisation.
On 13 November 2017, Sberbank Abkhazia had an interim administration. The power of the head of the bank, Timur Bganba, was limited for a month, and afterwards completely suspended. The current administration has been in charge for six months, but the bank will be supervised until it has completely recovered financially.
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