School director put on trial in case of teenage girl suicide in Azerbaijan
Hearings have begun for Sevinc Abbasova – the former director of a Baku school where a student took her life several months ago by jumping out of a window.
On April 4, 2019, 14-year old Elina Ghadzieva threw herself from the window of her school, allegedly because other students were constantly hounding and harassed her, and the director and teachers had not taken any action to address the issue.
The case has had huge repercussions in the country.
Details about Elina Hajiyeva’s suicide
When Elina threw herself from the window, the director did not immediately call an ambulance.
For two hours after, Abbasova kept injured Elina in her office, where she and representatives from the regional commission on working with minors forced Elina to respond to questions about why she had jumped.
All of this was captured on video camera.
Finally, Elina was taken to the hospital, where she died two days later from the injuries she had sustained.
Doctors did not allow her parents to see her; they told her parents she was fine.
However, school officials and local authorities were allowed into the intensive care unit, where they once again interrogated Elina about the motives behind her jump from the school window.
All of these details were leaked on social media, where readers were incensed by the injustice.
Abbasova, her deputy director and the school psychologist were fired.
Initially, the director was charged with ‘leading someone to suicide’, but that was later dropped, and the director now faces two criminal charges: negligence and endangerment.
Abbasova has been put under house arrest.
Elina’s parents and many others in the country believe that more serious measures should be taken.
Their efforts to hold the doctors, the school psychiatrist and Elina’s teacher also accountable before the law have thus far been unsuccessful.
Therefore, only Abbasova is on trial at the moment.
Preliminary hearing
Although the preliminary hearing was open to the public, most journalists were not allowed into the courtroom.
After the hearing, the lawyer representing Elina’s parents said that they had petitioned the court for a resumption of the investigation and for Abbasova to remain in custody.
In her defence, the former school director denied any responsibility and requested that the case be dismissed.
The court rejected these motions, accepting only the parents’ lawsuit of 100,000 manat (59,000 USD) in compensation for their loss.
They must personally present the lawsuit to Abbasova and the ministry of education.